Hi Steve, On 03/30/2016 02:55 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote: > IME it's much easier to automate using VMs if possible, but I'm open > to being convinced otherwise.
Sure, but how do I get a new VM for it? Should I write a mail to dsa@ ? Not sure if you want more insights here, but I'll give them (as maybe, others will happily read). Feel free to skip if you have no time. On 03/30/2016 02:55 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote: > We could do something like that quite readily, I hope. Neil Williams > has already started setting up a Debian instance of LAVA [1] which is > designed to do exactly this kind of thing! See lave.debian.net if > you're interested. > > [1] https://wiki.linaro.org/LAVA I was at his presentation of LAVA in Portland. As long as I get a new reseted Debian on which I can ssh to, then I can do the rest and install OpenStack on it, and test a Debian image. Otherwise, a VM that can be rebooted (and reinstalled from scratch?) with some kind of API will do. Maybe LAVA can provide such an API? Here's an example of a test run of OpenStack and its functional test suite, called Tempest: https://mitaka-jessie.pkgs.mirantis.com/job/openstack-tempest-ci/64/consoleFull As you can see, this is a test using Jessie, and using the *next* version of OpenStack (called Mitaka), to be released in a few days, and currently living in Experimental. I'll have to setup something using Stretch instead, and whatever version of OpenStack that will be in it (maybe Mitaka, maybe the next one called Newton). It shouldn't be too hard to do in Stretch, provided there's no new added bugs, which I don't think there is, as I can already run all unit tests at build time (this env. will only run functional tests). This currently uses the Cirros image, because it's smaller (a few megs), so it's faster to test OpenStack. In the context of testing the Debian image, I could switch to the Debian image: it's only 1 or 2 lines to change, as this was what I was doing to begin with. Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)