On Wednesday 03 December 2008, Frans Pop wrote:
> multi-arch images
> -----------------
> The i386/amd64/powerpc DVD is more problematic as having all desktops
> will completely fill the DVD leaving no room for other packages with a
> high popcon score.
> Proposal is therefore to drop powerpc support from this DVD. With only
> i386 and amd64 there is still room for the top ~2600 packages on the
> DVD.

I made a mistake here as I forgot that multi-arch (m-a) DVD images are 
also supposed to include source. So let me give the correct data and then 
draw some new conclusions for this image.

First, let's take a look at what's roughly on existing images.

The 3rd column is the existing i386/amd64/ppc/source DVD. The 4th column 
is a fictional i386/amd64/source DVD, i.e. what would happen if ppc were 
dropped from the current m-a DVD.

                     amd64 CD1   ppc CD1   m-a DVD (+ppc)  m-a DVD (-ppc)
* key packages
  - GNOME              all         all          all             all
  - Server tasks       all        a few         all             all
  - l10n               all        none          all             all
  - l10n desktop       all        none          all             all
  - l10n GNOME         all        none          all             all
* non-key packages
  - GNOME             a few       none         most             all
  - desktop (OOo etc) none        none         none             all
  - Server tasks      none        none         none             all
  - l10n              none        none         none             all
  - l10n desktop      none        none         none            a few
  - l10n GNOME        none        none         none            none
  - l10n KDE            -           -            -               -

Note that there is a HUGE difference between the amd64 and powerpc first 
CD images: the second is incomplete to the point of being unusable by 
itself. Reason is the number of different flavors included for powerpc, 
which results in multiple D-I initrds and kernels and multiple regular 
kernel packages being included.
The same effect can be seen in the size of the netinst images:
- i386:    150 MB
- amd64:   131 MB
- powerpc: 198 MB - 33% larger than i386!

Note also that the current M-A DVD (including ppc) almost exactly matches 
the amd64 CD1, which is roughly what was intended. But it is also clear 
that dropping ppc from it would increase its usability for installs 
without network mirror by a huge margin.

So now let's look at how the m-a DVD would look if we'd include all 
desktop environments. The first column lists the existing m-a DVD for 

                     GNOME desktop    all desktops    all desktops
                     m-a DVD (+ppc)  m-a DVD (+ppc)  m-a DVD (-ppc)
* key packages
  - GNOME                 all             all             all
  - KDE                    -              all             all
  - Xfce/LXDE              -              all             all
  - Server tasks          all             all             all
  - l10n                  all             all             all
  - l10n desktop          all             all             all
  - l10n GNOME            all             all             all
  - l10n KDE               -              all             all
* non-key packages
  - GNOME                most            a few            all
  - KDE                    -             none             all
  - Xfce/LXDE              -             none             all
  - desktop (OOo etc)    none            none             some
  - Server tasks         none            none             none
  - l10n                 none            none             none
  - l10n desktop         none            none             none
  - l10n GNOME           none            none             none
  - l10n KDE               -             none             none

So an all-desktops m-a DVD without powerpc does a lot better job of 
actually supporting all desktops than if powerpc is included; l10n 
support is limited in both cases.

I think we have the following options here:
1) keep the m-a DVD as it is: GNOME only and i386/amd64/ppc/source
   (3rd column in 1st table, or 1st column in 2nd table)
2) drop ppc from existing m-a DVD, GNOME only, but with hugely increased
   usability for installs without network (4th column in 1st table)
3) change m-a DVD to support all desktop environments; drop powerpc
   (3rd column in 2nd table)
4) something I have not investigated: drop source...

My personal vote goes to option 3.


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