--On April 17, 2007 9:52:29 PM +1200 Philip Charles
On Tuesday 17 April 2007 19:59, Matt Taggart wrote:
So how about keeping around a fixed amount of CD images per arch and
dropping the rest? I was thinking 3-4, but it might be cool to keep the
first DVD's worth of packages, so maybe that would be 7 CDs?
Hmm, we have the kde/xfce images too, I wonder if it would be possible
to make each of those be unique beyond the base install and they could
act as CD 2 and 3 for each other?
Are there other reasons for keeping all the CD images around? If not,
now is probably a good time to get rid of them.
After a careful examination of the discs I now recommend the first four
CDs and first DVD.
However, I have had an order, and from the US, for the complete DVD set.
This person had good reasons for wanting the complete set.
There are parts of the world that depend on recycled hardware with CD
drives and no DVD drive, and poor/expensive internet connections. So I
would say keep the complete sets, but give some guidance about the number
of discs needed.
It's becoming prohibitively expensive for mirrors to maintain a debian
mirror because of the huge amount of storage required by all of the CD/DVD
images. This has been brought up before by mirror maintainers.
IMH(umble)O Jigdo should be pushed much much harder since it can generate
the entire CD or DVD set for a given arch off a normal repo pool, and those
have to be kept around anyway.
Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
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