> > afaict you currently use symlinks to point at the current version of 
> > daily/weekly builds. This means that users who resume a 
> download after a 
> > new release will most likely get a mixed (and therefore broken) image.
> >
> > changing that to a http redirect would mean that users would get a 
> > directory listings page with non update dependent links to the image 
> > that was current at the time they visited the cdimage server 
> > considerablly reducing the risk of this happening.
> Doing http redirects would not mirror well
None of the mirrors i looked at seem to carry the daily/weekly images and the 
d-i site doesn't link to any form of mirror selection page

even if there are mirrors afaict only doing this on the main server and for 
http (leaving the symlinks in place for other access methods) would solve the 
problem which is that people following the links from the debian installer site 
for daily/weekly images (which according to the debian-boot guys can't be made 
to update in sync with cdimage.debian.org ) can easilly end up with half and 
half (or worse) images.

>, not work for rsync/ftp access 
true but the only users using theese access methods for daily/weekly images 
would be those browsing the server manually anyway
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