Hello, all my name is Luis, and I'm from Brazil. I make packages (mostly deb and rpm) for the Centre of Computing of the State University of Campinas. I'm new to the list(s), so I'm presenting myself. I apologize, in advance, for my poor English.
I'm sending this email to both lists (debian-boot and debian-cd) because I could not find out which one was more proper for my question. My problem follows: We here at the centre want to make a GNU/Linux distro with all of our software. My idea was to make a Debian Instalation CD with debian-installer, with some basic server packages (like apache, php4, mysql, postgresql) and some other software that are dependencies to ours. The result would be a like-standard Debian instalation, with some differences: the software contained in CD1 and a new option in Tasksel (marked by default if it's possible) named like "CCUEC Software". I could not find references to how to do it on Debian website. If any one could send me where can I find the information on how to do it, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance, -- Lu�s Guilherme Fernandes Pereira http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~ra009206 "Os que cr�em que a culpa dos nossos males est� nas estrelas e n�o em n�s mesmos ficam perdidos quando as nuvens encobrem o c�u". -- Roberto Campos