[ cc: debian-www, soory for the tofu ] IIRC there is somewhere a webpage, where such stuff is linked. I definitly think, your artwork should be linked there.
Yours sincerely, Alexander * Jonny Blair Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040504 18:24]: > Hi Folks, > > I've just put together some artwork that you may be interested in using > for Debian "Woody" cds, available at: > > http://www.jonnyblair.co.uk/debian/ > > Because I haven't quite got the hang of GIMP, I've so far been unable to > create a single template file that allows you to edit copy to your > specific needs. I plan to address this soon. > > In the meantime, the files available at the above url are appropriate > for the I386 Binary set of discs only. > > Hope you find these of some use, > Regards, > Jonny. > > >
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