
On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 11:58:59AM +0200, Nagy Elemer Karoly wrote:
>       Dear Ola,
> >>I do not know exactly why, as the operator does not speak English and does
> >>not know Linux - but the kernel was not able to mount the root filesystem
> >>(RAID on adaptec SCSI controller on rare motherboard). I attached a config
> >I understand. But in that case Debian would not boot either, or?
> Not - I needed to ask the guy to power cycle the machine and select the 
> old kernel.

Ok I see.

> >I suggest that you build your kernel this way:
> >* apt-get install linux-source-xxxx
> >* tar xfj /usr/src/linux-source-xxxx.tar.bz2
> >* cd linux-source-xxxx
> >* patch the source with the patch from linux package sources.
> >* modify config with other things
> >* make-kpkg (see man make-kpkg)
> >* done
> I did - and it worked - but I spent a lot of time trying to figure out 
> that I need the vserver-version patch (because kernel compilation died 
> only in the last step, after a half our of compiling) and I filed in this 
> bug report to nag you to add "some documentation in the 
> kernel-patch-vserver package" or a "clear error message patch".

I understand.

> >As you have problem to boot it, you need to tweak it anyway.
> Yes, I know. What I am afraid is that some other peopple will try to 
> compile it like me (because they need it) and can not, because of the 
> documentation not found - and will spend hours cursing Debian while all 
> the important vservers are not working.


> >> The reason why the package kernel-patch-vserver was removed was
> >> because it was hard to maintain it within kernel source package
> >> and at the same time as a separate package.
> I know - what I am requesting is to revive the package with a single 
> documentation file inside or a vserver.txt to the 
> /usr/src/linux/Documentation.

I think it may be better to document this in util-vserver instead.

I'll update this on next upload (if I remember this).


// Ola

> Regards,
> Elemer
> >>>Well that is not related to security... :)
> >>OK - where to send? Linux-source? Linux-tree? Kernel maintainer list?
> >>
> >>Maybe a vserver.txt in the kernel tree in Documentation sublibrary with
> >>the 6 patch commands that save 12 hours?
> >>
> >>Regards
> >>Elemer

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