Package: tetex-base
Version: 3.0.dfsg.3-5
Severity: grave
Justification: Makes texlive packages unusable

This BR is a follow-up to the discussion on the d-tex-maint mailing list 
that starts at [1] and in which a a series of unexpected behavior is 
discussed seen while building the Debian Installation Guide after making 
the transition from tetex to texlive.

Part of the problems discussed there can be traced to this BR: the fact 
that some essential configuration files had gone missing.
Important here is that at some point I decided to *purge* the old tetex 
transition packages (which is a completely valid action).

The problem seems to be that the "ownership" of some config files is not 
transfered from the old tetex packages (now empty transition packages) to 
the corresponding texlive packages.

Attached is a tarball with a series of files that show the changes 
in /etc/texmf/ and in installed packages in the following series of 
01 Start situation with cleanly installed texlive, including several
   texlive-lang-* packages
02 Purged all TeX related packages: one file not deleted
03 Clean install of Etch tetex packages
04 Upgraded to a somewhat minimal texlive install (without the
   texlive-lang-* packages); at this point some "old" tetex config files
   are still installed (diff 04 and 07)
05 Purge old transition packages
06 Purge whole installation: 10tipa.cfg remains behind
07 Clean install of texlive again, this time same packages as 04

Here is an overview of differences in /etc/texmf between:
A) an Etch tetex installation, upgraded to texlive
B) a clean texlive installation

The following files are present after A, but not after B:

I suspect that this file should have been deleted during the upgrade of 
tipa 1.3-4 to 1.3-5, but isn't.

The following files are present after B, but not after A:
/etc/texmf/dvipdfm/config/dvipdfmx.cfg (maybe)
/etc/texmf/fmt.d/01tetex.cnf (maybe)

Two files are marked as "maybe" as I'm not 100% sure if they should be 
installed or not or how they were created. It seems that that the first 
was created as the result of a 'texconfig-sys' run (which may also 
explain why it was not purged in "02"). I'm unsure about the second as it 
was not present in "01", but it was in "07".



Attachment: tetex-texlive.tgz
Description: application/tgz

Attachment: pgp3MBovlxfi4.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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