On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 09:12:54PM +0100, Francesco Poli wrote:
> I suppose I can find the source here[4], but I would need confirmation
> before going on and possibly dig into the *wrong* source!!  ;-)
> Even better: could you please suggest a command-line that I can use
> to checkout the source?

Yes, that's the source. As for a command line to check out the source see

> [4] http://cvs.debian.org/ddp/manuals.sgml/release-notes/?cvsroot=debian-doc
> Any more practical way of getting the complete list of contributors?

$  grep author release-notes.ent,v en/release-notes.en.sgml,v | 
   awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
[ slightly edited, for clarity ]
     73 fjp      - Frans Pop
     43 jfs      - Javier Fernandez-Sanguino (me)
     36 robster  - Rob Bradford
     24 aba      - Andreas Barth
     19 jseidel  - Jens Seidel
      4 djpig    - Frank Lichtenheld 
      3 fbothamy - Frédéric Bothamy
      2 joy      - Josip Rodin
      1 spaillar - Simon Paillard
      1 barbier  - Denis Barbier

The number before the the (debian) login is the number of commits they made
to the source.



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