On Sun, Mar 11, 2007 at 01:56:42PM +0100, sean finney wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-03-11 at 17:44 +1100, Paul TBBle Hampson wrote:
>> I'm suggesting either. I'm happy to maintain the package seperately, but
>> I intend to go through the differences between the versions and confirm
>> that they are compatible, and steal anything good from the php-bundled
>> version, so in effect I'd be doing both. I'd also have to track upstream
>> PHP in case they add anything else to the library in the future. So
>> maybe a PHP package team member might want to be a co-maintainer...

> okay, perhaps we can revisit this after you're done.  if you decide to
> use the upstream version we can see how hard it is to build php against
> that instead of the bundled code.  if you decide you want to use the
> php-bundled version, then we should probably just generate it from the
> php5 source package directly.  i don't use this extension myself, so in
> any event it would be wise to find someone who does so we can test that
> it still works :)

I've uploaded a test version to http://www.tbble.net/debian/xmlrpc-epi/.

It's almost but not quite ready for sponsorship. I've not yet reinstalled
pbuilder after my last server hard disk crash, so the build-depends aren't
set yet. I suspect it's only missing libexpat-dev, but want to be sure.

Also, I've not included the samples in the .debs. I'd like to get the
compliance-tests run during build, but see below...

I've also only built it on PowerPC; the pbuilder will be on i386, and if
I have the time, I can get access to an AMD64 machine next week to do a
test-build there.

I did a file-by-file comparison with the PHP5 code, and the only
differences I didn't bring across were whitespace, // => /* comment
replacement and the xmlrpc_win32 header.

If anyone's available to do a test-build against PHP5, that'd be great,
otherwise it'll have to wait until I have the time, sometime this week,
given a following wind.

On a side-note, the server compliance tests fail, expecting an i4 tag but
getting an int tag from the server, as well as large whitespace changes.
The latter is prolly due to the much more recent expat library, the
former is a mystery to me, but I suspect it is actually a change in the
spec that post-dates the compliance-test creation.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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