
I tried to track down this bug, but also failed. Because Frank reported
that removing the rpath-related settings from the Makefile.in did not
work I tried the modify Makefile.am. But disabling all rpath statements
did not remove the rpath setting in the binaries. I guess this has
something to do with linking against pkglib_LTLIBRARIES, but I do not have
enough knowledge about the autotools to determine the real problem here.

However, I attached a patch the at least cures the symptoms of this bug
and removes the insecure rpath setting. I added two calls to 'chrpath'
to the rules file that will delete the respective rpath setting (I also
modified the build-depends accordingly).

The updated package builds in a clean amd64 sid chroot and yacas
still seems to work (I ran several example computations that are
provided on the upstream website).

I would prefer fixing the bug in the makefiles rather than patching the
binaries, but anyway here is the patch.



GPG key:  1024D/3144BE0F Michael Hanke
ICQ: 48230050
diff -rNu yacas.old/debian/control yacas-1.0.57/debian/control
--- yacas.old/debian/control	2007-01-12 20:08:07.000000000 +0100
+++ yacas-1.0.57/debian/control	2007-01-12 20:08:37.328067064 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Priority: extra
 Maintainer: Gopal Narayanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Build-Depends: lynx,libfltk1.1-dev,debhelper (>=4),docbook-to-man, libgsl0-dev, automake1.9, autoconf, freeglut3-dev, libxmu-dev, libxt-dev, libxi-dev
+Build-Depends: lynx,libfltk1.1-dev,debhelper (>=4),docbook-to-man, libgsl0-dev, automake1.9, autoconf, freeglut3-dev, libxmu-dev, libxt-dev, libxi-dev, chrpath
 Package: yacas
 Architecture: any
diff -rNu yacas.old/debian/rules yacas-1.0.57/debian/rules
--- yacas.old/debian/rules	2007-01-12 20:08:07.000000000 +0100
+++ yacas-1.0.57/debian/rules	2007-01-12 20:09:51.542784712 +0100
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@
 	-rm debian/yacas-doc/usr/share/doc/yacas-doc/html/proteusbooks.html
 	-rm -rf debian/yacas/usr/share/yacas/documentation
 	-rm -rf debian/yacas-proteus/usr/share/doc/yacas/documentation
+	# fix insecure rpath
+	chrpath -d $(ddir)/usr/bin/yacas
+	chrpath -d $(ddir-proteus)/usr/bin/proteusworksheet
 	touch install-stamp
 binary-indep: build install

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