On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 08:51:28AM +0100, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> Hi ifupdown-Maintainer,

> I've installed a recent Debian/Testing on two different boxes and on a
> virtual qemu-box and the following problem appeard on all of them: After
> booting the system the nentwork inteface is not brought up correctly
> which makes this installation (in fact the whole system) unusable for
> reomote-only installations.

> The problem seems to be the following line in /etc/network/interfaces:

>       allow-hotplug eth0

> Issuing an 

>       sudo ifup -a 

> does not do anything.

> After changing the line to

>       auto eth0

> the problem seems to be fixed. Please note that I'm not talking about
> some heavyly customized installations but rather about default
> installations of an up-to-date Debian/Testing.

> I've mentioned the problem on d-devel and d-user-german and it looks
> that the problem (as well as the proposed solution) is quite common.

But isn't this a regression in the installer for using an allow-hotplug
stanza, not in ifupdown?

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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