clone 392421 -1 reassign -1 severity -1 normal retitle -1 RM: raccess -- RoQA; obsolete, RC-buggy, dead upstream thanks!
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 18:09 +0200, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote: > I think that 'raccess' might better be removed from Debian, for the > following reasons: > > * It's a vulnerability scanner, but the last upstream version is > 4.5 years old; that makes me doubtful about its use; > * It has an RC bug filed against it; > * The description tells me that it's still developmental and far > from the complete version. > * Upstream seems dead, homepage 404 and Googling offers nothing > up-to-date. No objections received, reassigning to ftp-master. Thijs
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