
Frank Küster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> this is the situation:
> - db2latex-xsl is RC buggy, dead upstream and should be superceded by
>   dblatex


> - There is only one dependency on it left in the archive (sarge, sid and
>   testing[1]), and this is cdbs


> - cdbs can build its documentation with dblatex as well.  The patch for
>   this is by W. Borgert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, see
>   http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=327616;msg=25
>   I have refined it (only one small change that was already suggested by
>   Wolfgang) and attach it again here fo reference.

OK, the patch looks fine, at least as far as I can see.

> - The problems mentioned later in #327616 by Andreas Hoehnen, the fact
>   that the PS documentation cannot be created, is not an issue: cdbs
>   does not want to create PS documentation.  Moreover, the error is
>   small, well-known and easy to fix, I've reported a bug against
>   dblatex, with a patch.

When will that be applied?

> Taking this together, I think there is no reason not to apply the
> attached patch in an upload of cdbs targetted at testing, and after that
> removing db2latex-xsl again (and getting the RC bug count down by 1
> more).

Yes, I think this would be a good idea. Peter, could you do this or do
you of a reason to postpone this change?

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