Ross Boylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for looking into this.  Is there some work-around that will get
> past the jadetex problem (as I guess you found, it was precisely the
> same error message).

Sorry for forgetting to mention the workaround.  

mv /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf.dontuse
dpkg --configure -a      # jadetex might still fail
mv /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf.dontuse /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40jadetex.cnf
dpkg-reconfigure jadetex # if jadetex failed in the first call, use "dpkg 
--configure -a"

Or, if you're runnning unstable, just wait until the tetex-base and
tex-common packages I just uploaded are available after the mirror push
tonight.  As it turned out, the other problem wasn't in jadetex, but in
tex-common, so both bugs are fixed now.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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