Hello. I got the ok from Unit 193 to push my changes to salsa, so I've pushed three different commits that can be seen here:
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/alpine/-/commits/master (This includes a debian/salsa-ci.yml file which I tested in my private fork first). I'm not making a release yet because of two reasons: a) I don't like NMUs. b) Unit 193 tells me that he would like to see the imap bug (#1091777) fixed for trixie. For (a) I could maybe make a "team upload for the debian team" i.e. it would be 2.26+dfsg-3, but I would still prefer any of the current maintainers to do the tag & upload. I see that Luke is around because he posted recently to -devel so hopefully this will not be necessary. For (b), I'm asking Chris: Do you think we could find a fix for the imap bug (switch to internal mlock) in, say, a matter of days? If yes, we could try to include the fix in the next upload. Thanks.