Am Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 03:09:20PM +0100 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> I would tend to agree, although this is probably not my call as
> I'm not an end user of cluster3.  That being said, the package
> looks to have had a peak of popularity in the 2015-2020 period
> before dwindling[1], so we may not find very many end users in
> the end.
> [1]:
> I cc'ed the other currently recorded uploaders of cluster3 in
> case they have matter for objection, but from what I gather from
> Steffen (who's on the other side of the table we're seated at t
> time) and from what I expect from Andreas, removal would be
> okay.  Let's go with it?

I would have loved to make that code free and there was some
discussion about it in the past (to lazy to track this down).

Since I have no capacity to care about this I'm fine with
whatever you want to do with that package.

Kind regards


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