severity 387136 normal
close 387136

hi michael,

On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 12:59 +0200, Michael Ablassmeier wrote:
>  1.8.15:
>  kida:/home/abi# dbconfig-load-include -f sh -pmypass 
> /etc/dbconfig-common/zabbix-server-mysql.conf 
>  mypass='abi'

this was incorrect behaviour.  sometime between .17 and .18 Torsten
Werner noticed this, he informed me, and i fixed it in .18.

>  1.8.18:
>  kida:/home/abi# dbconfig-load-include -f sh -pmypass 
> /etc/dbconfig-common/zabbix-server-mysql.conf 
>  dbc_dbpass=''

this is exactly what it should be producing.  there is no variable in
this configuration file named mypass.  my previous mail explains this in
more detail.


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