Processing control commands: > severity -1 serious Bug #1094740 [src:marble] marble: Unnecessary Build-Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev Severity set to 'serious' from 'normal' > block 1069574 by -1 Bug #1069574 [libqt5webkit5] age-old and insecure webkit package 1069574 was blocked by: 929253 1074331 1091821 1093301 1093372 1093523 1093526 1093527 1093528 1093534 1093539 1093549 1093550 1093552 1093691 1093725 1093726 1093727 1093728 1093729 1093804 1093807 1093808 1093810 1093863 1093864 1093865 1093866 1093867 1093872 1094381 1069574 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 1069574: 1094740 > tags -1 patch Bug #1094740 [src:marble] marble: Unnecessary Build-Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev Added tag(s) patch.
-- 1069574: 1094740: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems