Control: reassign -1 dh-rust
Control: retitle -1 dh-rust: fails to build packages with profile `nocheck` and <!nocheck> B-Ds
Control: severity -1 important
Control: affects -1 + src:rust-async-std

This is a dh-rust bug. When the build is done with the `nocheck` profile, `cargo package` is still called in dh_auto_install. `cargo package` expects the registry to be populated by the crate's dependencies, so the build fails if d/control uses the <!nocheck> qualifier for the B-Ds and these are not installed by other means. In other words, the way dh-rust currently does things requires B-Ds to be installed even if `nocheck` is used.

Downgrading severity to important because I couldn't find anything in the policy or in to suggest that packages must build with the `nocheck` profile. The reported justification "Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)" is inaccurate because the packages do in fact build from source with the default profile.

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