Source: gumbo-parser
Version:  0.13.0+dfsg-2
Severity: serious

In an attempt to fix a patch [1] was
added to bump the soname from 2 to 3. However, this patch is unique to
Debian and is not applied upstream.

I don't think this is how Debian handles sonames. It is possible for
instance to rename the library binary package without actually bumping
the soname. This still causes a library transition so everything is
rebuilt against the new binary package. This was done on a very large
scale with last year's 64-bit transition. See all the packages with
t64 suffixes.

I do see that you are in communication with upstream at so one way
forward is to urge upstream to take your patch which you have marked
as "Forwarded: not-needed". I think ideally they would then do a new
release which you would package for Debian.


Thank you,
Jeremy Bícha

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