Source: molly-guard
Version: 0.8.4
Severity: serious
Tags: patch


I'm saddened to tell you that despite having taken three iterations on
molly-guard already, I've still gotten it wrong. I got reports for
debian-installer-utils and live-build that things were broken and looked
deeper. You may find the backstory at As a
result, I sketched out all the possible upgrade scenarios for
molly-guard (with three different init systems) and tested the full
matrix with an unmodified rebuild of molly-guard. Sure enough it would
quickly fail. Earlier, my understanding of the --rename semantics were
wrong and as a result, it would wrongly rename files. A simple case to
see this is starting with bookworm, the installing molly-guard from
trixie and removing it.

So I set out rewrite the preinst script avoiding --rename as much as
possible and instead handling all of the renames manually. This may
sound backwards, but it appears to practically work much better. At
least the tests I wrote now pass.

I really do appreciate reviews if you have cycles to spend on that. In
the maintainer script, I've added more comments to make it easier to
follow. In particular, reviewing the test cases and judging whether they
cover all relevant scenarios would be very welcome.

If that's asking too much, so be it. What I can say now is that the
current state in unstable demonstrably has bugs and those bugs no longer
reproduce when applying the attached patch.

I really hope that this is my last molly-guard update before trixie.
Keep the fingers crossed.

diff --minimal -Nru molly-guard-0.8.4/debian/changelog 
--- molly-guard-0.8.4/debian/changelog  2024-03-09 22:38:43.000000000 +0100
+++ molly-guard-0.8.4+nmu1/debian/changelog     2025-01-14 12:40:30.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+molly-guard (0.8.4+nmu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Rework the duplicated diversions to avoid trouble with --rename.
+    (DEP17, Closes: #-1)
+ -- Helmut Grohne <>  Tue, 14 Jan 2025 12:40:30 +0100
 molly-guard (0.8.4) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Helmut Grohne ]
diff --minimal -Nru molly-guard-0.8.4/debian/molly-guard.preinst 
--- molly-guard-0.8.4/debian/molly-guard.preinst        2024-03-09 
22:38:43.000000000 +0100
+++ molly-guard-0.8.4+nmu1/debian/molly-guard.preinst   2025-01-14 
12:40:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -15,31 +15,30 @@
 case "$1" in
         for cmd in halt poweroff reboot shutdown coldreboot ; do
-            truenameusr="$(dpkg-divert --truename "/usr/sbin/$cmd")"
-            truenamealias="$(dpkg-divert --truename "/sbin/$cmd")"
-            rename_flag=--no-rename
-           if test "$truenameusr" = "/usr/sbin/$cmd" && test "$truenamealias" 
= "/sbin/$cmd"; then
-                rename_flag=--rename
-            fi
-            if test "$truenameusr" = "/usr/sbin/$cmd"; then
-                dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --divert 
"/usr/sbin/$" "$rename_flag" --add "/usr/sbin/$cmd"
-            elif test "$truenameusr" != "/usr/sbin/$"; then
-                dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --no-rename --remove  
-                dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --no-rename --divert 
"/usr/sbin/$" --add "/usr/sbin/$cmd"
-                if test -e "$truenameusr" || test -h "$truenameusr"; then
-                    mv "$truenameusr" "/usr/sbin/$"
-                fi
-            fi
-            if test "$truenamealias" = "/sbin/$cmd"; then
-                # DEP17 M18 duplicated diversion. Can be --removed after 
-                dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --divert 
"/sbin/$" "$rename_flag" --add "/sbin/$cmd"
-            elif test "$truenamealias" != 
"/sbin/$"; then
-                dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --no-rename --remove  
-                dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --no-rename --divert 
"/sbin/$" --add "/sbin/$cmd"
-                if test -e "$truenamealias" || test -h "$truenamealias"; then
-                    mv "$truenamealias" 
+            # DEP17 M18 duplicated diversion. Once trixie is released,
+            # remove the aliased diversion in postinst and only have
+            # the canonical one with --rename here.
+            truename="$(dpkg-divert --truename "/sbin/$cmd")"
+            if test "$(dpkg-divert --truename "/usr/sbin/$cmd")" != 
"/usr/sbin/$cmd"; then
+                : # Canonically diverted already. Nothing to rename.
+            elif test "$truenam" = "/sbin/$"; 
+                : # Aliased diversion as expected. Nothing to rename.
+            elif test "$truename" != "/sbin/$cmd"; then
+                # Aliased diversion with earlier target. Fix target.
+                dpkg-divert --remove --no-rename "/sbin/$cmd"
+                if test -e "$DPKG_ROOT$truename" -o -h "$DPKG_ROOT$truename"; 
+                    mv "$DPKG_ROOT$truename" 
+            elif dpkg -S "/sbin/$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+                # Not diverted yet. Installed as aliased.
+                mv "$DPKG_ROOT/sbin/$cmd" 
+            elif test -e "$DPKG_ROOT/usr/sbin/$cmd" -o -h 
"$DPKG_ROOT/usr/sbin/$cmd"; then
+                # Not diverted yet. Installed as canonical.
+                mv "$DPKG_ROOT/usr/sbin/$cmd" 
+            # All necessary moving has been done. Hence --no-rename.
+            dpkg-divert --add --no-rename --divert 
"/sbin/$" "/sbin/$cmd"
+            dpkg-divert --add --no-rename --divert 
"/usr/sbin/$" "/usr/sbin/$cmd"
         for cmd in pm-hibernate pm-suspend pm-suspend-hybrid ; do
@@ -47,6 +46,7 @@
             if test "$truename" = "/usr/sbin/$cmd"; then
                 dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --divert 
"/usr/sbin/$" --rename "/usr/sbin/$cmd"
             elif test "$truename" != "/usr/sbin/$"; then
+                # Upgrading from pre-trixie. Update the diversion target from 
aliased to canonical.
                 dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --no-rename --remove 
                 dpkg-divert --package molly-guard --divert 
"/usr/sbin/$" --no-rename --add "/usr/sbin/$cmd"
                 if test -e "$truename" -o -h "$truename"; then

Description: Bourne shell script

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