Package: egroupware
Version: 1.2-104.dfsg-1
Severity: grave
Justification: default installation causes apache to not start up anymore


On a minimal etch installation (installed with beta3 installer just now), I 
basically did "aptitude install egroupware egroupware-ldap postgresql-7.4 
php4-{auth-pam,mcrypt,mhash}".  Trying to connect to egroupware/setup/, I 
noticed that apache wasn't running.

opitegw:~# apache2ctl configtest
Syntax error on line 42 of /etc/apache2/conf.d/egroupware:
Invalid command 'Script', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not 
included in the server configuration

turns out that mod_actions was not activated - is probabyl a one-line fix in 

-- vbi

According to my calculations the problem doesn't exist.

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