Package: puppet-agent
Severity: serious
Version: 8.4.0-1
Control: affects -1 puppetserver

In bug #1078911 [0], a user reported that a cron job responbile for cleaning up old reports previously shipped in puppet-master was no longer shipped in puppetserver. The consequence was an accumulation of files under /var/lib/cache/reports until the filesystem filled up and the system broke.

Further research has shown that the issue doesn't only affect environments where Puppet agents are attached to a Puppet Server, but also the "puppet apply" command which generates and stores reports locally upon every invocation, with no automatic cleanup out of the box.

An upload of the puppetserver package adding a cleanup cron job led to a discussion thread [1] on the puppet-team mailing list. While the participants were unable to agree on the default retention this cron job should follow, there was agreement that ultimately, storing reports on the filesystem was a bad default and should simply be disabled in new installations.

To do so requires a change in the libraries shipped by the puppet-agent package, where defaults used by both agent and server are defined.

After consultation with the larger Puppet community on IRC, a pull request appeared to also disable reports by default in upstream Puppet [2]. Comments from a Puppet developper suggests this change will only be shipped in a future Puppet 9 release, however.


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