
>I guess the proper fix consists in adding a dependency on the
>"dcmtk-data" package (with a fixed version of dcmtk) in the
>"orthanc-wsi" package. I fear that the same issue will be detected on
>other DCMTK-related packages. I will now try to add this dependency,
>in the hope it will solve the issue.

It will fix because a rebuild will fix it, until the next transition
./Resources/Graveyard/CMakeLists.txt:SET(DCMTK_DICTIONARY_DIR "" CACHE PATH 
"Directory containing the DCMTK dictionaries \"dicom.dic\" and \"private.dic\" 
(only when using system version of DCMTK)")
and from orthanc
DICTIONARY_DICOM   ${DCMTK_SOURCES_DIR}/dcmdata/data/dicom.dic
LoadEmbeddedDictionary(*locker, FrameworkResources::DICTIONARY_DICOM);


You can see, I tried 
2.0+dfsg-3    orthanc-wsi/2.0+dfsg-3 against itself fail
2.0+dfsg-2build5    orthanc/1.12.4+dfsg-3build1 pass
then I rebuilt orthanc

2.0+dfsg-3    orthanc-wsi/2.0+dfsg-3 orthanc/1.12.4+dfsg-3build1   FAIL

Then I rebuilt orthanc-wsi
2.0+dfsg-3build1    orthanc-wsi/2.0+dfsg-3build1
and it succeeded.

So please double check, but I guess also wsi package needed a rebuild.

thanks for caring/fixing!


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