On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 09:56:53PM +0000, Brian M. Carlson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 01:54:40PM +0200, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> > - archived bug #181493 already tried to handle the Sun RPC without any 
> >   result
> >   it seems there was a big discussion whether the licence could be
> >   interpreted in a way that it does not fail the DFSG, but the 
> >   only proper solution seems to be tha a Debian developer simply 
> >   contacts Sun asking for clarification and putting this clarification 
> >   in debian/copyright
> I agree.  However, I am not willing to keep this bug under my name.  As
> I can be somewhat of a hothead, if this issue is important to you, I
> suggest that you take the status of submitter.  I have instructed
> control@ to handle that, but it may not work.
> If you are unwilling to take that on, please reassign it to someone
> else who is willing, or close the bug.

I don't mind it being assigned to me if Adrian doesn't want it, either.

> >   flamewar -> bug closing -> banning people from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   why did noone contact Sun and report back instead?
> Because I don't speak for Sun, FSF, or Debian.  Due to the recent
> concern on -legal about people speaking for the project when there has
> been no GR (and therefore no project opinion), I am unwilling to ask.
> I also was unable to write a replacement as I originally planned (which
> would have solved the whole debacle), because the documentation is so
> poor that I could not have possibly reproduced the relevant interfaces
> correctly.

Well, would you be willing to write a complete description[1] of the RPC
implementation?  That way it can be clean-roomed.

I've had some dealings with some Sun engineers and engineering managers on
the operating systems side of things, and can pursue this further if the
time is right for an overture.

I don't want to presume the success of the latter, so I think it would be a
good idea to identify potential team members for a re-implementation under
the LGPL or a GPL-compatible non-copyleft like the MIT/X11 license or
2-clause BSD.

> And yes, Branden, I Cc'd you, but this isn't a mailing list, it is a
> bug.  I will not Cc you further unless instructed otherwise.

I do not insist that people honor mail headers that are not present.  :)

Continuing to CC me is fine, unless I become the submitter, in which case
the -submitter address will suffice.

[1] "Complete" as in "good enough for a skilled C programmer to
    reimplement", not as in "good enough to earn the approval of the ISO
    Secretariat without editing".  :)

G. Branden Robinson                |     Religious bondage shackles and
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     debilitates the mind and unfits it
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     for every noble enterprise.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- James Madison

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