Processing commands for > unblock 1057240 with 1057241 1057242 1057243 1057245 1057246 1057247 1057319 > 1057231 1056995 Bug #1057240 [src:alsa-utils] alsa-utils: will FTBFS when udev.pc changes udevdir 1057240 was blocked by: 1057246 1057243 1056995 1057319 1057231 1057247 1057245 1057241 1057242 1057240 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 1057240: 1057247, 1057246, 1057243, 1057245, 1057231, 1057242, 1056995, 1057241, and 1057319 > block 1057333 with 1057240 1057241 1057242 1057243 1057245 1057246 1057247 > 1057319 1057231 1056995 Bug #1057333 [udev] udev: change udevdir to /usr/lib/udev - NOT YET 1057333 was blocked by: 1056922 1056725 1056938 1054411 1056692 1056670 1057333 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 1057333: 1057240, 1057241, 1057319, 1057242, 1056995, 1057243, 1057245, 1057231, 1057247, and 1057246 > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 1057240: 1057333: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems