Control: severity -1 wishlist

Am Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 02:14:55PM +0200 schrieb Emanuele Rocca:
> My apologies! For some reason I was convinced bbhash and btllib did
> build in the past.

OK, setting severity to wishlist since it is not RC
> In both cases it seems to make sense to limit the Architecture field to
> the supported ones, given that as far as I understand both packages and
> are not portable? See:

I do not see any point to manually edit architectures list.  Specifying
architectures manually has the drawback that porters of new
architectures need to ask maintainers to add some new architecture (as
currently be done for loong64)  The fact that some port does not exist
is IMHO sufficient to know that the package does not build.  That's why
I set this bug to wishlist.
Kind regards


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