I'm still trying to find the culprit in gdb. Here's what I've found so
 - feedlist_selection_changed() calls itemlist_unload(), which calls
   - itemview_clear() sets itemview->needsHTMLViewUpdate = true,
 - feedlist_selection_changed() then calls itemlist_load() which causes
   itemview_update() to be called, and since needsHTMLViewUpdate is
   still true, it calls
   liferea_browser_update(itemview->htmlview, itemview->mode), but
   itemview->htmlview is NULL at this point,
   - liferea_browser_update() calls the conf_get_bool_value macro with
     &(browser->readerMode) as the second argument, but since browser is
     NULL, the browser->readerMode reference causes a segfault.


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