Processing commands for > unarchive 915721 Bug #915721 {Done: Paul Gevers <>} [] transition: opencv Unarchived Bug 915721 > forcemerge 922584 1023355 Bug #922584 [src:limereg] FTBFS against opencv 4.0.1 (exp) Bug #1023355 [src:limereg] limereg: depends on non-existing libboost-program-options1.67.0 915721 was blocked by: 922569 922582 922578 922574 922583 922591 922596 922593 922586 922579 922592 922570 922600 922597 922573 922584 922599 915708 915712 922566 922595 922590 922588 943603 922585 922587 922589 915711 943602 915721 was not blocking any bugs. Added blocking bug(s) of 915721: 1023355 Added indication that 1023355 affects limereg Marked as found in versions limereg/1.4.1-4. Added tag(s) ftbfs, bullseye, and help. Merged 922584 1023355 > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 1023355: 915721: 922584: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems