Dear Bryan, Could you comment on the buildds failures at:
* For example on ppc64el (little endian system): * [...] == palm-roundtrip.test == pamdepth: promoting from black and white to grayscale palmtopnm: Invalid Palm image input. Header says 30 bytes per row after uncompressing from 8-bit Packbits, but we counted 4294967069 bytes in a row, before we stopped processing the row pnmcolormap: making histogram... pnmcolormap: Scanning image 0 pnmcolormap: 20314 colors so far pnmcolormap: 20314 colors found pnmcolormap: choosing 256 colors... pnmremap: 256 colors found in colormap palmtopnm: Invalid Palm image input. Header says 228 bytes per row after uncompressing from 8-bit Packbits, but we counted 4294967044 bytes in a row, before we stopped processing the row palm-roundtrip.test: FAILURE == palm-roundtrip2.test == pnmremap: 231 colors found in colormap palmtopnm: Invalid Palm image input. Header says 228 bytes per row after uncompressing from 8-bit Packbits, but we counted 4294967088 bytes in a row, before we stopped processing the row palm-roundtrip2.test: FAILURE [...] Thanks !