On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 11:20:51PM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Oct 2021 19:59:39 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> No reaction so far at https://github.com/stevieb9/ipc-shareable/issues/14
> Failures are visible at
> https://qa.debian.org/excuses.php?package=libipc-shareable-perl
> And can easily be reproduced by building in an i386 chroot.
> After some looking at the the code I have no idea what's broken
> there.
> Anyone else?

It boils down to

  perl -e 'shmget(0, 999999999999, 0666) or die'

which dies on amd64 but not in i386.

Looking further:

  # strace -e shmget perl -we 'shmget(0, 999999999999, 0666) or die'
  shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 3567587327, 0666)   = 5177377
  +++ exited with 0 +++

Given 999999999999 % 2^32 == 3567587327 it's pretty clear that the
requested size does not fit into 32 bits (shmget(2) takes a size_t)
so just its lower bits get passed in. Not sure if perl should protest
somehow there.

Anyway, seems like the test could just be skipped on 32-bit or something.
Niko Tyni   nt...@debian.org

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