Hi Jerome,

On 24-09-2021 22:23, Paul Gevers wrote:
> The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
>     def test_elevation():
>         G = ox.graph_from_address(address=address, dist=500,
> dist_type="bbox", network_type="bike")
>         rasters = list(Path("tests/input_data").glob("elevation*.tif"))
>         # add node elevations from a single raster file (some nodes will
> be null)
>         G = ox.elevation.add_node_elevations_raster(G, rasters[0], cpus=1)

Suddenly strikes me, compared to the next failing line...

>         # add node elevations from multiple raster files
>>       G = ox.elevation.add_node_elevations_raster(G, rasters)

Is this run on all cores? Our armhf worker has 160 cores, so you may be
running into limits you didn't expect.


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