On Tue, 21 Sep 2021 19:57:39 +0100 Samuel Henrique <samuel...@debian.org> wrote:
> Awesome, I was trying to add the upstream and pristine-tar branches to
> the repo but it's not looking good so far.

I think I managed to convert it to a gbp project successfully. Take a look here:

Basic steps (in a freshly cloned salsa repo):

  git checkout --orphan upstream
  git rm -rf .
  git commit --allow-empty -m 'initial upstream commit'
  git checkout -f master
  gbp import-orig ../<path to source tgz>
  gbp dch

Both upstream and pristine-tar branches look clean (do not branch from
master) and we can keep the repo's history.

Jonathan, Samual, does that seem ok to you?
Unfortunately the branch-creation involved in the process can't really
be proposed via MR, so if this seems ok, one of us would have to "just
do it" ;)


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