> Some general understanding question: Would mariadb-server-10.5 work with
> galera-3, too? (with only the Depends being relaxed to 'Depends:
> galera-4 | galera-3, ...', without recompilation or similar actions)
> (Bonus question: would mariadb-server-10.3/buster work with
> galera-4/bullseye with only the dependencies similarily relaxed?)
> That could allow for even easier solutions.

Galera 3 works with MariaDB 10.1-10.3. Galera 4 works with MariaDB

Galera 4 has new API,  thus does not work with MariaDB 10.3.

MariaDB needs Galera only if the feature is used. In future might change
Depends to Suggests.

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