Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -2 yubikey-manager
Control: retitle -2 HOTP operations yield extraneous digits in auth code
Control: severity -2 important

On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 04:59:23AM +0000, Taowa wrote:
> Upstream has, as of a few hours ago, released a
> fix to yubikey-manager, I suspect nicoo will
> upload it tomorrow or some time soon. It is
> currently very early morning in their timezone ;).

Correct  :)

Apologies, again, for missing that bug the first time around: it only occurs
on Yubikey Neo; as I do not own that specific device, I entirely missed it
in my testing.

Please let me know whether the upcoming version of ykman fixes things for you.



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