Hi guys,

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 07:00:32AM +0100, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Control: reassign -1 arduino-mk
> Control: rename -1 arduino-mk: needs to depend on arduino >=
> 2:1.8.13+dfsg1-1
> Control: severity -1 serious
> Hello Simon,
> thanks for reporting!
> Am 28.01.21 um 22:42 schrieb debi...@the-jedi.co.uk:
> > Package: arduino
> > Version: 1.8.13+dfsg1-1
> >
> > The recent rename of arduino-core to arduino-core-avr breaks the Depends
> > in arduino-mk:
> >
> > Depends:
> >   arduino-core (>= 1:1.0+dfsg-8),
> This is not fully correct, the old package arduino-core got melted into
> arduino, arduino-core-avr is a new dependency of arduino.
> arduino-mk needs to get adjusted, it needs to change this existing
> Depends into
>  arduino-core (>= 2:1.8.13+dfsg1-1)

This is interesting because '2:1.8.13+dfsg1-1' is already greater than
or equal to '1:1.0+dfsg-8'. So unless I'm missing something there the
current line on 'arduino-mk' control file should be fine.

I thought problems like these will not arise thanks to the line in the
current arduino control file that says:


Which is the bit I fear is not working properly. Maybe a version number
needs to be added to that line? I'll give that a try later today.

> > So doing a dist-upgrade and pulling in the new arduino, arduino-core-avr
> > etc; removes arduino-core and arduino-mk
> The removal of arduino-core is a thing what we want and need, the
> removal of ardunino-mk is grounded on the non updated correct adjusted
> new dependency. But maybe an updated arduino-mk is now also needed, I
> haven't looked into this yet.
> > Also why are you just now packaging arduino-builder when arduino-cli has
> > already replaced it?
> Yes, there is arduino-cli already out there. But we decided to stick for
> now with arduino-builder because arduino-cli brings in a lot of Go
> related new package dependencies which we wouldn't get into Debian
> before the final package freeze for Debian Bullseye. We wanted to have
> the option that it's really likely that we can get arduino and related
> packages ready for Bullseye.
> And that's also the reason why arduino-builder isn't the most resent
> version, this would also need at least three more new Go packages as
> build dependency.
> So it's not that we don't want to use arduino-cli, it was a weight out
> of what's possible in the given time span.

I just want to add here that, as stated by the Arduino Team
"[arduino-cli] is currently under active development: anything can
change at any time, API and UI must be considered unstable until we
release version 1.0.0." Which makes it, in my opinion, unsuitable to
released on Debian stable.


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