Processing commands for > clone 909210 -1 Bug #909210 [automake-1.15] don't ship automake-1.15 in bullseye Bug 909210 cloned as bug 980241 No valid blocking bug(s) given; not doing anything Failed to clone 909210: Unknown/archived blocking bug(s):950706.
> severity -1 normal Failed to set severity of Bug -1 to normal: The 'bug' parameter ("-1") to Debbugs::Control::set_severity did not pass regex check . > reassign -1 Failed to clear fixed versions and reopen on -1: The 'bug' parameter ("-1") to Debbugs::Control::set_package did not pass regex check . > retitle -1 RM: automake-1.15 -- RoQA; replaced by automake-1.16 Failed to set the title of -1: The 'bug' parameter ("-1") to Debbugs::Control::set_title did not pass regex check . > End of message, stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 909210: 980241: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems