Package: libopenmpi3
Version: 4.0.4-2
Followup-For: Bug #965352
Control: affects -1 petsc4py

petsc4py fails tests also, but the way in which it fails might give a
hint to whats going on. This failure is not explicitly UCX.

The petsc4py failure is in the swig test. Can reproduce manually (runtime with
python3-petsc4py and python-petsc4py-doc installed):

  cp -r /usr/share/doc/python-petsc4py-doc/examples/demo test-demos
  gunzip -r test-demos
  cd test-demos/wrap-swig
  make PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petsc PYTHON=python3 F2PY=f2py3 MPIEXEC="mpiexec -n 
2" run

... the test hangs (not a UCX segfault or recv Bad address).

But on the other hand 
  make PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petsc PYTHON=python3 F2PY=f2py3 MPIEXEC="mpiexec -n 
3" run
passes cleanly.

So with petsc4py, 2 processes hangs, 3 processes passes.

Sadly it's not as simple as that for mpi4py.
With mpi4py, both
  mpirun -n 2 python3 -m pytest test/ -v
  mpirun -n 3 python3 -m pytest test/ -v
fail the same way.

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