Hello Winfried, Thank you for reporting this issue,
Could you please check if the same issue happens with rsync 3.2.2-2 ? This package is currently in unstable and it will reach testing in about 24 hours. Alternatively, you can do the following to test: comment out (or remove) the following line from /lib/systemd/system/rsync.service: "ProtectHome=on" Then restart the service and see if the issue persists. This is upstream's changelog entry for 3.2.2: "The default systemd config was changed to remove the ProtectHome=on setting since rsync is often used to serve files in /home and /root and this seemed a bit too strict. Feel free to use systemctl edit rsync to add that restriction (or maybe ProtectHome=read-only), if you like. See the 3.2.0 NEWS for the other restrictions that were added compared to 3.1.3." Regards, -- Samuel Henrique <samueloph>