Control: reassign -1 libgrpc++1 1.26.0-3 Control: retitle -1 libgrpc++1 changes ABI without changing soname Control: forwarded -1 Control: affects -1 src:sysdig
On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 06:59:25PM -0700, Dima Kogan wrote: >... > $ sudo sysdig ... > sysdig: symbol lookup error: sysdig: undefined symbol: > _ZN9grpc_impl23CreateCustomChannelImplERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt10shared_ptrINS_18ChannelCredentialsEERKNS_16ChannelArgumentsE > > This sounds like #955279, but even if it is, there should be a > Conflicts, or something, to prevent me from getting into that state. >... The root problem is that libgrpc++ changes ABI without changing soname. sysdig in unstable/testing is the only package in Debian that currently uses libgrpc++, which explains why the problem is not reported more often. Anyone compiling own code against libgrpc++ in buster will run into the same problem when upgrading to bullseye. cu Adrian