Processing commands for

> clone 956423 -1
Bug #956423 [node-request] node-request: deprecated upstream: should not be 
part of next stable Debian release
Bug 956423 cloned as bug 961982
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
961982 was blocked by: 958690 958687 958689 958694 958692 958683 958693 958682 
958684 958697 958679 958680 958696 958685 958681 958688 958691 958686 958695
961982 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #961982 to the same blocks 
previously set
No valid blocking bug(s) given; not doing anything
Failed to clone 956423: Unknown/archived blocking bug(s):958679.

> reassign -1 node-request-promise
Failed to clear fixed versions and reopen on -1: The 'bug' parameter ("-1") to 
Debbugs::Control::set_package did not pass regex check

> retitle -1 node-request-promise: deprecated upstream: should not be part of 
> next stable Debian release
Failed to set the title of -1: The 'bug' parameter ("-1") to 
Debbugs::Control::set_title did not pass regex check

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
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