Processing commands for > reassign 952289 javahelper Bug #952289 [src:libquartz2-java] libquartz2-java: FTBFS: Could not read manifest from /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/libquartz2-java/usr/share/java/quartz2-2.3.0.jar (2): at /usr/bin/jh_manifest line 298. Bug reassigned from package 'src:libquartz2-java' to 'javahelper'. No longer marked as found in versions libquartz2-java/2.3.0-2. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #952289 to the same values previously set > forcemerge 952317 952289 Bug #952317 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Bug #952322 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Bug #952370 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Bug #952289 [javahelper] libquartz2-java: FTBFS: Could not read manifest from /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/libquartz2-java/usr/share/java/quartz2-2.3.0.jar (2): at /usr/bin/jh_manifest line 298. Added indication that 952289 affects libsaxon-java,tunnelx,cronometer Bug #952322 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Removed indication that 952322 affects tunnelx, cronometer, and libsaxon-java Added indication that 952322 affects libsaxon-java,tunnelx,cronometer Removed indication that 952317 affects cronometer, tunnelx, and libsaxon-java Added indication that 952317 affects libsaxon-java,tunnelx,cronometer Removed indication that 952370 affects tunnelx, cronometer, and libsaxon-java Added indication that 952370 affects libsaxon-java,tunnelx,cronometer Bug #952370 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Merged 952289 952317 952322 952370 > affects 952317 + libquartz2-java Bug #952317 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Bug #952289 [javahelper] libquartz2-java: FTBFS: Could not read manifest from /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/libquartz2-java/usr/share/java/quartz2-2.3.0.jar (2): at /usr/bin/jh_manifest line 298. Bug #952322 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Bug #952370 [javahelper] javahelper: jh_manifest breaks on jar files with no manifest Added indication that 952317 affects libquartz2-java Added indication that 952289 affects libquartz2-java Added indication that 952322 affects libquartz2-java Added indication that 952370 affects libquartz2-java > End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 952289: 952317: 952322: 952370: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems