On Tue, 5 May 2020 at 10:55, Tianon Gravi <tia...@debian.org> wrote:
> I was definitely over my head with this one, so I reached out to the
> Hy community and was pointed to https://bugs.python.org/issue39562,
> which does seem quite related from my own limited understanding, so
> this might technically be a bug in the Python package?
> I'm including the Debian Python list on CC to hopefully see if someone
> there can provide some assistance figuring out what's necessary here.
> O:)

Looking at results from ci.debian.net[1], our autopkgtests failed on
2020-05-07 and passed today (2020-05-15).  Comparing the logs, it
appears the difference is that the last failing build was against
python3.8 version 3.8.3~rc1-1, and the successful build from today was
against python3.8 version 3.8.3-1 (lending credence to the thought it
was probably a Python bug, and that it's now fixed).

[1]: https://ci.debian.net/packages/h/hy/

Can you re-test and verify that we no longer FTBFS in your testing? O:)

- Tianon
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