Hello Andreas, just as Holger said: thank you for your detailed and helpful analysis!
On Fri, 7 Feb 2020 03:36:28 +0100 Andreas Henriksson <andr...@fatal.se> wrote: > > When the autopkgtest is booted into sysvinit I assume there's a > race between the munin init script starting and the actual > tests running. you are right - it turns out that exactly this is happening. I did some more digging in the autopkgtest code and I think, I found the culprit: autopkgtest explicitly waits for systemd services to be ready (waiting for "network-online.target"), but it does not wait for sysvinit services. I proposed a patch against autopkgtest that solves this issue: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=953655 Until this is fixed in autopkgtest, I added a conditional wait to munin's test code. After some more dozens of successful tests runs I am convinced that the issue is fixed. Thank you for your help! Cheers, Lars