Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -1 gtkimageview 1.6.4+dfsg-2
Control: retitle -2 RM: gtkimageview -- RoM; FTBFS, no rdepends, low popcon, 
depends on GTK 2
Control: severity -2 normal
Control: tags -2 - ftbfs

On Tue, 26 Nov 2019 at 18:25:31 +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
> Please remove gtkimageview from unstable. There is no gtk3
> version. Upstream is dead. I can't find any reverse dependencies.
> It has a popcon vote+old+recent score of 42.

Until gtkimageview is removed from Debian (or fixed), it is still subject
to the FTBFS bug that was reported, so I'm reassigning that back to
gtkimageview (so that it will be autoremoved from testing for having a
RC bug), and using a normal-severity clone of the bug with its title in
the conventional format for the removal request.

I've confirmed that there are no reverse dependencies:

% dak rm -R -n gtkimageview
No dependency problem found.


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