Source: lua-nvim
Version: 0.2.0-1-2
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs sid bullseye
Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)

lua-nvim currently fails to build in unstable:
|    dh_auto_test -O--buildsystem=lua
|   make --no-print-directory -f 
/usr/share/dh-lua/make/dh-lua.Makefile.multiple test
| Making target test for debian/lua5.1.dh-lua.conf
| # tests
| Copying nvim/socket_stream.lua nvim/msgpack_rpc_stream.lua nvim/session.lua 
nvim/tcp_stream.lua nvim/child_process_stream.lua nvim/stdio_stream.lua in 
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/5.1-nvim for test
| ****************** lua dynamic custom (5.1) ******
| [==========] Running tests from scanned files.
| [----------] Global test environment setup.
| [----------] Running tests from test/session_spec.lua
| [ RUN      ] test/session_spec.lua @ 35: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
make requests to nvim
| [       OK ] test/session_spec.lua @ 35: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
make requests to nvim (6.66 ms)
| [ RUN      ] test/session_spec.lua @ 40: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
get api metadata
| [       OK ] test/session_spec.lua @ 40: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
get api metadata (7.37 ms)
| [ RUN      ] test/session_spec.lua @ 50: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
receive messages from nvim
| [       OK ] test/session_spec.lua @ 50: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
receive messages from nvim (6.73 ms)
| [ RUN      ] test/session_spec.lua @ 58: Session using ChidProcessStream can 
receive requests from nvim
| E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity

It also fails on the build farm run by the reproducible builds effort:

Sebastian Ramacher

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