Hi Balasankar,

I'm not sure if you noticed this bug earlier this year, but it's RC
now, so I took the liberty to fix it, because the autopep8 fix it
blocks affects one of my packages.  'hope that's ok with you, since
the package used to be collab-maint and hasn't been updated in many
years.  If you don't want me to NMU it, please let me know at your
earliest convenience :-)

The email that follows this one has the patch attached.

Nicholas D Steeves (1):
  Swap dependency of python-autopep8 for python3-autopep8 (>> 1.4.4-1)

 debian/changelog | 8 ++++++++
 debian/control   | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


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