Processing commands for > package src:pound Limiting to bugs with field 'package' containing at least one of 'src:pound' Limit currently set to 'package':'src:pound'
> unarchive 456667 > unarchive 490192 > unarchive 697064 > unarchive 733820 > unarchive 787137 > unarchive 795897 Bug #795897 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <>} [src:pound] pound: please make the build reproducible Unarchived Bug 795897 > unarchive 859557 Bug #859557 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <>} [src:pound] pound: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster Unarchived Bug 859557 > unarchive 861089 > unarchive 888786 Bug #888786 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <>} [src:pound] pound: CVE-2016-10711 Unarchived Bug 888786 > reopen 456667 package: '"pound"' does not match at least one of "src:pound" Failed to reopen 456667: limit failed for bugs: 456667. > reopen 490192 package: '"pound"' does not match at least one of "src:pound" Failed to reopen 490192: limit failed for bugs: 490192. > reopen 697064 package: '"pound"' does not match at least one of "src:pound" Failed to reopen 697064: limit failed for bugs: 697064. > reopen 733820 package: '"pound"' does not match at least one of "src:pound" Failed to reopen 733820: limit failed for bugs: 733820. > reopen 787137 package: '"pound"' does not match at least one of "src:pound" Failed to reopen 787137: limit failed for bugs: 787137. > reopen 795897 Bug #795897 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <>} [src:pound] pound: please make the build reproducible 'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version; all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them. Bug reopened No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.7-1.3+rm. > reopen 859557 Bug #859557 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <>} [src:pound] pound: Please migrate to openssl1.1 in buster 'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version; all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them. Bug reopened No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.7-1.3+rm. > reopen 861089 package: '"pound"' does not match at least one of "src:pound" Failed to reopen 861089: limit failed for bugs: 861089. > reopen 888786 Bug #888786 {Done: Debian FTP Masters <>} [src:pound] pound: CVE-2016-10711 'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version; all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may need to re-add them. Bug reopened No longer marked as fixed in versions 2.7-1.3+rm. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 795897: 859557: 888786: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems