Hello I just upgraded from Jessie to Stretch 2 days ago and have the following problem which could be related:
May 30 06:31:46 anton procmail[29067]: Renamed bogus "/var/mail/andrea" into "/var/mail/BOGUS.andrea.Lhj1" May 30 07:24:42 anton procmail[5147]: Renamed bogus "/var/mail/markes" into "/var/mail/BOGUS.markes.lej1" May 30 08:04:21 anton procmail[11334]: Renamed bogus "/var/mail/robert" into "/var/mail/BOGUS.robert.1ej1" There was no such problem before the upgrade. postfix 3.1.12-0+deb9u1 procmail 3.22-25+deb9u1 Jochen -- ZX81 - C64 - Amiga - x86-Linux - iMac (OS X)